Let’s talk about those brands that are on every smoker’s lips. These brands are so time-tested that their name speaks for itself. They have survived in different periods, experienced wars, cataclysms, change of power, but remained true to themselves and those traditions that carry through time.

Today we will devote time to a famous brand of cigarettes – 555 cigarettes.

These cigarettes are rightly considered to be one of the oldest British brands. Throughout its history, 555 has been a magical symbol. Consumers claim that this was indeed the case, and good luck accompanied every person who smoked these cigarettes.

What is the secret of such a long success? It’s all about the consistent quality of the products. Cigarettes appear before us in traditional paper-based foil, the foil comes in different colors. The traditional brand name is fancifully painted on the outside of the pack.

State Express 555 will definitely be chosen by smokers with more experience and understanding of smoking. They are looking for cigarettes with filter and deep flavor. It is important for smokers to smoke cigarettes fully, to deeply feel their flavor and all the emotions they evoke.

You can order your favorite tobacco products by visiting the website of an online cigarette store. Choose the product you need, leave a request, and soon you will receive the goods. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact customer service.

What are 555 cigarettes?

555 cigarettes or known as State Express 555 cigarettes were sold in Great Britain and the early years did not leave this country. However, the situation changed in 1925. At that moment the brand was sold to a large tobacco corporation, British American Tobacco. And this marked a happy period for the brand. The concept of cigarettes was transformed. Cigarettes started to be exported to other countries like USA, Russia, China and others. Smokers familiarized themselves with the new brand and appreciated it at face value. It is all about the quality of the product – for the manufacturing process of tobacco mixture include the best varieties of oriental tobacco and special impurities. As a result, there are cigarettes with taste and deep aroma. The strength is felt in every inhale and exhale, accompanied by white smoke. This is characteristic of a true British recipe.