sobranie-classic-silver-affSobranie cigarettes are one of the oldest brands of tobacco products, which managed to carry their traditions through the centuries. The first cigarettes of Sobranie brand were made by hand in 1879, but soon manufactury came industrial turnover.

It is interesting that Sobranie cigarettes have an English origin. On the other hand, their appearance was made possible with the help of the Russian Empire diplomats, who founded aristocratic club “Russian assembly” in London.

There were produced thefirst cigarettes with the tobacco mixture of the classic grinding namely inside this club. For the cigarettes of “luxury” class there were used only high-quality varieties of tobacco sorts – “Virginia”, “Oriental” and “Burley”.

For many years, people have been smoking Sobranie cigarettes. The smoking of cigarettes was associated first of all with this brand before World War I.

They were smoked by the British army officers, members of the British clubs around the world. Sobranie cigarettes were officially delivered to the royal cruise ships and smoked on royal banquets.

By the 1920s, Sobranie cigarettes finally received recognition in the high society of London and beyond – many famous writers and artists, such as HG Wells, Romain Rolland, Erich Maria Remarque, Oscar Wilde preferred this brand.

The world-renowned opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin was a heavy smoker of Sobranie cigarettes, and one of varieties of Sobranie was named after him. It is known that even the “stormy petrel of revolution” Maxim Gorky ordered favorite Sobranie cigarettes from London to Capri.

Initially, these cigarettes were positioned as elite. Particular attention was paid to the quality of paper and the smoking mixture, in which the tobacco was wrapped.

The product was sold wrapped in a pack of expensive cardboard with gilt print, reminiscent of the coat of arms of Imperial Russia times.

Excellent quality and the correct positioning of the products managed to attract the ruling Russian households, the UK, Romania and Greece. Sobranie cigarettes became a fixture in the upper classes, the aristocratic part of the image!

About a hundred years the trademark belonged to members of Redstone family. Only in 1980, the eminent manufacturer gave the way to the British conglomerate Gallaher Group, which was sold. Currently, the brand is owned by one of the leaders in the sphere of production of tobacco products – Japan Tobacco.

It is noteworthy that even after 100 years cigarettes produced under the brand name Sobranie are still positioned as a premium product.