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  4. Voir par exemple le site mis en place cet effet par Philip Morris International (en)
  5. Selon Clive Bates, directeur de l’antenne anglaise de l’association Action on smoking and health (en) (ASH), cit sur le site de la t l vision suisse romande 1
  6. Rapport Les additifs du tabac, Clive Bates (ASH, Londres), Dr Martin Jarvis (Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Londres), Dr Gregory Connolly (Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program, Boston), 1999 Version fran aise sur le site , consult e en septembre 2008.
  7. (en) Stevenson T, Proctor RN. The secret and soul of Marlboro Phillip Morris and the origins, spread, and denial of nicotine freebasing Am J Public Health. 2008 98(7) 1184 94. PMID 18511721
  8. Tabac et d pression
  9. D pendances en tout genre
  10. The isolation of harmane and norharmane from tobacco and cigarette smoke
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  13. Sant Canada, Rapports des fabricants de tabac R glements sur les rapports relatifs au tabac
  14. (en) Smoking & Tobacco Use Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
  15. Tableaux de l’ conomie Fran aise dition 2006 et INSEE Premi re no 808
  16. Michael J Thun, David M Burns, Health impact of “reduced yield” cigarettes a critical assessment of the epidemiological evidence, Tob Control 2001 10(Suppl 1) i4 i11 (Winter)
  17. (en) Smoking and Health A Report of the Surgeon General, Office of the Surgeon General, Public Health Service, United States, 11 janvier 1964
  18. Fleming P, Blair PS. “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and parental smoking”, Early Hum Dev. 2007 Nov 83(11) 721 5. Epub 2007 Sep 18
  19. American Legacy Foundation (en) factsheet on lung cancer leur source (cit e) est CDC (Centers for Disease Control) The Health Consequences of Smoking A Report of the Surgeon General. 2004.
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  23. (en) Kuper H, Boffetta P, Adami HO. Tobacco use and cancer causation association by tumour type J Intern Med. 2002 Sep 252(3) 206 24. PMID 12270001
  24. source les Communaut s europ ennes Seule fait foi la version imprim e de la l gislation europ enne telle que publi e dans les ditions papier du Journal officiel de l’Union europ enne.
  25. Kelley TF, “Polonium 210 content of mainstream cigarette smoke”, Science (1965) Jul 30 149 537 8
  26. Philip Morris, Radiochemistry polonium , 15 avril 1977 (consult le 5 septembre 2008)
  27. W. Gannon, 210Po Manuscript , 30 mai 1978 (consult le 5 septembre 2008)
  28. Monique E. Muggli, Jon O. Ebbert, Channing Robertson, et Richard D. Hurt, Waking a Sleeping Giant The Tobacco Industry s Response to the Polonium 210 Issue , American Journal of Public Health 98(9) 1643 1650. (consult le 5 septembre 2008)
  29. Fumeurs si vous saviez, in Figaro Madame, 23 mai 2006, 2 , bas sur le livre du Pr G rard Dubois, “Le rideau de fum e”, Le Seuil, et le film militant de Nadia Collot, “Tabac, la conspiration”, 2005
  30. Robert N. Proctor, Golden Holocaust, 2011, University of California Press, Berkeley, (ISBN 978 0520270169)
  31. Legacy Tobacco Documents Library (consult le 10 ao t 2012). 79 millions de pages de documents de l’industrie du tabac. Interrogeable en ligne
  32. St phane Foucart, Les conspirateurs du tabac , Le Monde, 25 f vrier 2012 (consult le 10 ao t 2012)
  33. David Leloup, St phane Foucart, Comment le lobby du tabac a subventionn des labos fran ais , Le Monde, 31 mai 2012 (consult le 10 ao t 2012)
  34. David Leloup et St phane Foucart, Comment le lobby du tabac a subventionn des labos fran ais , sur , 1 juin 2012
  35. Source Reuters, FACTBOX Leading cigarette manufacturers by sales , 18 juillet 2007 (consult le 6 d cembre 2007)
  36. Consommation de tabac le petit record de 2008 , Le , 7 janvier 2009 (consult le 2 juin 2009)
  37. Taxes sur les cigarettes en Europe , sur , Linternaute Sante (consult le 2 juin 2009)
  38. Prix du paquet de cigarettes en Europe , sur , Linternaute Sante (consult le 2 juin 2009)
  39. Chaloupka, F. et Warner, K., The Economics of Smoking, Chapitre 29 de The Handbook of Health Economics, Volume I (2000).
  40. Frank J. Chaloupka, Civil Society Monitoring of the Framework Convetnion on Tobacco Control Chap. 2, Price and Tax of Tobacco Products , 2007 (consult le 23 juillet 2010), p. 9
  41. Philip Morris International, Nos marques (consult le 23 juillet 2010)
  42. Frank J. Chaloupka, Civil Society Monitoring of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Chap. 2, Price and Tax of Tobacco Products , 2007 (consult le 23 juillet 2010), p. 12
  43. a, b et c Didier Nourrisson, Cigarette, histoire d’une allumeuse, Editions Payot, 2010, 336 p. (ISBN 2 228 90580 1)
  44. a et b Goodman, Jordan Elliot, Tobacco in history the cultures of dependence, Routledge, New York, 1993, page 97, ISBN 0 415 04963 6
  45. Marc Kirsch, Le tabac l ments d histoire et de botanique. Gen se d une pid mie , La lettre du Coll ge de France, no 3, 2010, p. 11
  46. Cigare, Centre national de ressources textuelles et lexicales
  47. Cigarette, Centre national de ressources textuelles et lexicales
  48. Jacques Cellard, La cigarette en cent cinquante ans , le Monde, 2 juin 1980
  49. La premi re machine rouler les cigarettes, le cigarettotype, est invent e en 1843 par Le Maire. Source Marc Kirsch, op. cit , p. 13
  50. Ouvri res dans les manufactures de tabac qui faisaient les cigarettes la main, introduisant dans des tuyaux en papier le tabac au moyen d’un tui cy
  51. Voir aussi Tabac de troupe
  52. (en) David Tucker, Tobacco An International Perspective, Euromonitor PLC, 1982, p. 109
  53. (en), David Tucker, op. cit , p. 70

Amazon.com : candy cigarettes : candy and chocolate snack size bars : grocery & gourmet food

Cigarettes online Blog Archive Up in a puff of smoke? eu plan threatens e-cigarettes – europe – world – the independent
I have to say, either the other reviewers have lost their memories, or they did not have the same candy cigarettes that i had as a kid. These are not the same things, they are a cheap knock off with a different taste and texture. I am saddened by the people who thought these were the same things, that some of us remember as a kid. Maybe they are younger than me and did not get to taste the wonderfulness of the original ones or maybe they have just forgotten.

These imitations are just as someone else had stated on a different set of the same cigarettes. I thought maybe since this one had better reviews, that it might be a different manufacturer selling the same cigarettes. However i was wrong. The other person is absolutely right. These cigarettes do not have that chalky texture that the originals had. Sure you may say, well isn’t that a good thing. No, it is not. It wasn’t like they tasted like chalk. If anyone remembers pepto bismal and how it was the only thing you actually didn’t mind taking when you were sick. You remember that flavor was very similar to the flavor of candy cigarettes. The new texture is more gooey and chewy, which just doesn’t feel the same when you eat them.

The flavor was similar to wintergreen breath savers, but a little different in the originals and the new one is an off flavor of the same but just doesn’t taste as good to me. This product has left me completely disappointed, since i was hoping to get the same candy cigarettes i had as a kid, but am now left with 24 boxes of candy cigarettes that i do not even enjoy. If you are a fan of the originals and remember the greatness of them, you will be hugely disappointed when these arrive.Read more