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Marlboro lights regular cigarettes – reviews for marlboro cigarettes online
How much nicotine is in a winston cigarette
After being diagnosed with bronchitis (Yet, I still smoke) I decided to switch to these from my regular full flavor Marlboro Reds. I just needed to give my lungs a break and smoke lighter cigarettes. These cigarettes really aren’t as bad as most of these people say they are. They taste nice, like any Marlboro. They’re just a lot more subtle and the body of the smoke is lighter and more airy. It still has great Marlboro flavor. For the people saying that it tastes like burnt paper and chemicals, you don’t have a very trained taste for cigarettes. I have smoked just about every major packaged brand of cigarettes, and these really are not too shabby. Sure, they don’t smoke like a Red, but that’s only because they aren’t. Don’t buy a light cigarette and complain about not getting your fix or a throat hit. I get my fix just fine with these, and I’m a real nicotine slave. Overall, a decent smoke with subtle flavor and lighter, smoother, more airy smoke.
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