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Smokers hail the Montecristo No. 2 as one of the finest super sized cigars on the market, noting its long burn, strong spicy flavor, and woody undertones. The legendary Montecristo logo itself (the famous six sword triangle surrounding a fleur de lis) is the first indication for you that you are in for a treat. The Montecristo brand has become a household name among cigar enthusiasts in all circles. Lightly sweet, mild to medium bodied, and inexpensive you can t go wrong with Diamandback’s Nicaraguan blend encased in an Ecuador Connecticut leaf. After spending a significant amount of time determining which blend of rare vintage tobaccos should be used to create Don Carlos cigars, the Fuentes proved they could outdo themselves and master what could be their greatest accomplishment to date. In their elegant white packaging, the Cigarillos attract smokers thanks to their spicy, aromatic taste Sweet and spicy, these aromatic cigars deliver an exotic smoking experience. Although the burn is quick, the robust but rustic nature of these cigars wins you over, making you want to take the time to savor every fragrance and taste of the blend. Each Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo du Depute cigar is hand crafted using only the absolute best tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region. As a result, the flavor from the exquisite filler and wrapper is rich, guiding you through tones of honey, cedar and earth combined with exotic, peppery fruit and floral tones.
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Cohiba Siglos are members of La Linea 1492, a special series launched in 1992 to commemorate Columbus’ discovery of America. It has since gained a massive global following thanks to the rainbow of flavors it offers. Beer, cream, toast, nuts, sea salt and cedar are but a few of the flavors smokers have reported after indulging in a Cohiba Siglo. Cohiba Siglos are members of La Linea 1492, a special series launched in 1992 to commemorate Columbus’ discovery of America. It has since gained a massive global following thanks to the rainbow of flavors it offers. Right for any time of day, these cigars are stocky, firm jewels that have a gauge of 50 and length of 102 mm (4″). Although they’re almost an inch shorter than typical Robustos, Moneterrey Petit Robutos are consistent and reliable, oozing with complex, silky richness that blends on the tongue. When you open a box of Hoyo de Moneterrey Petit Robustos, you’ll enjoy all the spicy earthiness prized in a Cuban cigar. With a slim 40 ring gauge and only 117 mm (4.5″) long, these are some of the smallest gems in a long line of R&J treasures. However, don’t let their small size fool you Romeo y Julieta Regalia de Londres cigars are full flavored with a complexity of tastes which will pleasantly surprise your Palate from beginning to end. When you fire up one of these medium bodied petit coronas, expect a thick cloud of smoke, grey white ash, a consistent burn and an easy draw. Translated into practical smoking, that means these are mild flavored, quick, everyday smokes with all the power of some of their larger cigar cousins. The perfect companion for those brief moments when you are free, Partagas Chico cigars take only about 20 minutes to finish. They’re something you can pull out without ruining your schedule when serious cravings hit. The taste is robustly creamy and woody with earth and vanilla tones. Topped off with a bit of caramel, the blend pairs well with coffee. Easy to fall in love with, the cigars are made even better by the fact they don’t put a serious dent in your wallet despite their intensity.