After this brand was launched in 1975 by the American company R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, More cigarettes initially had a hard target audience and their customers were both men and women. However, the producers had later decided to exclusively direct their products toward ladies, and the More brand was pushed into the market as exclusively female […]
Smoking can become a passion, a passion that can provoke any smoker to taste different brand in order to find the one and only one suitable for you and your smoking needs. And here comes the turn of Kool cigarettes to surprise you with excellent quality and unbelievable smoking sensations. KOOL cigarettes are a brand […]
Bond Street or just Bond is the international cigarette brand that is sold in more than 50 countries around the world and manufactured by Philip Morris International. The history of the brand dates back to 1902. Philip Morris, the company founder, owned a boutique on Bond Street (Bond Street) in London. 1902 was the year […]
Viele Raucher bevorzugen nur hochwertige Tabakwaren amerikanischer, kubanischer oder europäischer Produktion. Die amerikanischen Parliament Zigaretten sind keine Erfindung des berühmten Produzenten Philippe Morris, sie bestehen tatsächlich seit 1931ern. Solange die Geschichte dieser Zigaretten dauert, erhöht nur ihre Popularität. Als wesentlicher Unterschied zu konkurrierenden Produkten wird angenommen, dass im Produktionsverfahren ein neuer, völlig neuartiger Prozess der […]
Die KOOL Zigarettenmarke gilt als eine “klassische”, nicht nur für die Amerikaner, sondern auch für alle, die die Mentholzigaretten lieben. Es wurde erst im Jahre 1933 erstellt (auf der Höhe der Großen Depression). Der Erzeuger war die Firma Braun und Williamson Tobacco. Sie wurde zur ersten Marke von Mentholzigaretten, konnte eine wirklich nationale Popularität gewinnen. […]
L & M cigarettes are a famous and very well-known brand, under which the tobacco products are manufactured and sold worldwide. At the moment, this brand of cigarettes is owned by the Altria Group although it was before the property of the famous Philip Morris Corporation. The brand name of cigarettes originates, by the way, […]
Officially, 1907 is considered as the start-up date of the cigarette brand Dunhill. True, they appeared in the cigarette market this year. But the owner of the brand Alfred Dunhill had then immediately made a bet on a respectable audience, namely the traditional British aristocracy and representatives of business City at the very beginning of […]
Glamour cigarettes are light ladies’ cigarettes in a convenient package. The basic formats include lights and superlights. Stylish flavored cigarettes are characterized by original taste properties, beautiful design and a relatively low cost. Gallaher Liggett-Ducat Company (JTI brand owner) is the official manufacturer. Glamour cigarettes are positioned as cigarettes for the successful young women in […]
Smokers of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries acknowledge and cherish the Pall Mall cigarettes. Although early years after appearance of this brand (the Pall Mall story starts in 1899) were not set apart by substantial scale market entrance, but the Pall Malls as top-quality cigarettes were stably promoted. In fact, 1907 the brand attracted […]
Es gibt wichtigere Aspekte, die Sie wissen müssen, wenn Sie Zigaretten online kaufen wollen: die Zigaretten haben ihren eigenen besonderen sozialen Status; unterscheiden sich weltweit nach verschiedenen Arten von Tabak, Aromen, Qualitäten. Die Zigarettenarten unterscheiden sich nach Traditionen von Völkern, die sie rauchen. Aufgrund dieser Einzigartigkeit, wählen zahlreiche Personen einen bestimmten Geschmack einer konkreten Marke […]