Researchers say people get addicted to nicotine if they start using it as youngsters. While starting to smoke at the age of 21, people are not so much addicted to the tobacco. The legal basis is provided for such use. For example, people in some countries dare buy cigarettes after they are 18 or 21 […]
The Bond cigarettes, which were originally called as the Old Bond Street ones were conceived in the early XX century and immediately picked up prominence among London. In any case, the Morris Family (the establishing father went to heaven toward the end of the XIX century) did not manage to appreciate the products of nicotine […]
Depending on the method of production, there are distinguished cigarillos of hand or machine twist. In the manufacture of manually use there are used only whole tobacco leaves and flavors are not applied. Machine-made cigarillos contain different types of tobacco and cut sheets therefrom. Covering membranes may be formed from tobacco leaves, and from the […]
In 1952 in spring, the Lorilard Tobacco Company started creating their 70-millimeter long cigarettes under the name Kent cigarettes. That time it was a real miracle. Originally, these cigarettes were so popular that they were even utilized as money in some countries. A pair of years after it happened; Kent cigarettes were chosen to supplant […]
Diese Zigaretten werden von einer berühmten Tabakfirma namens Gallaher Group erzeugt. Obwohl diese Zigaretten einer russischen Tradition gefertigt werden, erschienen sie zunächst in London im Jahre 1879. Dann und sogar nun sind diese Zigaretten für ihren starken, aber aromreichen und milden Tabakgeschmack bekannt. Diese Zigaretten werden nach der russischen Tradition handgemacht, ohne dass man irgendwelche […]
Warning inscriptions and images on cigarette boxes are considered to be an effective tool in opposing the habit to consume tobacco. Legal issues specially settle the designs and sizes of such warnings in order to prove the tobacco users that their habit causes their death. The idea can be also understood so that smokers are […]
This article will tell you about changes which take part in the body after quitting smoking, about the negative consequences of smoking cessation. You need to be ready for it, because you should be expecting a lot to happen. The weakening of immune system. The immune system, adapted to nicotine and other harmful substances (tobacco […]
Despite critical issues that the smoking causes various mortal diseases, there is news that the tobacco consumption can become a prevention of some health dangers. Although the smoking can be to some extent hazardous, it can amazingly improve the body state as well. The researchers find explanations of these controversies. There are facts that the […]
Die Parliament Zigaretten wurden seit 1931 vermarktet. Man behauptet, das war eine der frühest vorgestellten Filterzigarettenmarken. Sie sind am Markt weitbekannt, da sie mit einem vertieften Filter eingerichtet werden. Das lässt von anderen Marken unterscheiden, die nur Schaumstofffilter haben. Diese Zigaretten sind in Russland und außerhalb Russlands äußerst populär. Diese Zigaretten haben Fans in den […]
Die Marlboro Zigaretten sind ein sonderartiges Produkt, das die Millionen von Rauchern weltweit bezaubern konnte. Sie sind die best- und höchstverkaufte Zigarettenmarke der ganzen Welt. Diese Zigaretten werden von der Philip Morris USA, die eine Niederlassung der Altria Tobacco Company ist, auf dem Raum von USA, und von der Philip Morris International, einer anderen Firma, […]