Smokers are constantly warned that this habit kills them step-by-step. Smokers are permanently reminded that they will suffer if they will not quit. But smokers keep consuming tobacco despite all of these warnings. Why? Because they’d rather die than live without cigarettes. They get used that smoking is a shield, protecting them from all kinds […]
Over the past ten years, there broke a lot of scandals involving censorship of smoking in works of art or cultural objects. Sometimes they get absolutely absurd traits. For example, retouch photos of Sartre with a cigarette in the French National Library in 2005. Sarcastic headline in the British press on this subject: “Hell – […]
Negative aspects of tobacco consumption are widely proclaimed in public campaigns. This propaganda is aimed at both smokers and those who wish to quit. It appears incidentally, among usual advertisements, having an indirect action on the mind of watchers. Such advertisements appear suddenly, forcing people to unexpectedly realize the follows of their habit, consider the […]
Pall Mall cigarettes were primarily created by Butler and Butler Company. It was a very prosperous brand even then; the creators of the brand sold Pall Mall cigarettes specially intended for smokers who had the highest status in society. In 1907, Butler and Butler decided to sell this brand to American Tobacco. So at the […]
Lors de mes voyages j’ai fumé des cigarettes manufacturées dans de différent pays de l’Europe Orientale, Asie Centrale, les États Unis et Canada, UE . Maintenant j’achète mes cigarettes en ligne, produite en Asie Centrale. Il y a beaucoup de fumeurs qui sont fidèles à une marque spécifique. Voilà pourquoi, par curiosité je voulais trouver […]
L’achat des cigarettes en ligne – un astuce de la femme moderne pour économiser le temps et l’argent
Près de 250 millions de femmes dans le monde sont des fumeurs. Environ 22% des femmes dans les pays développés et 9% des femmes dans les pays en croissance fument des produits du tabac. Aujourd’hui, les compagnies de tabac produisent une large gamme de marques de cigarettes en particulier pour les femmes. Ces marques se […]
Die Kiss Zigaretten werden in Osteuropa von der British Innovation Tobacco Company hergestellt, bei der Erzeugung werden die besten Sorten von Barley und Virginia Tabaken verwendet. Als die Kiss Zigarettenmarke auf den Tabakmarkt eingetreten war, hatte sie dann einen ziemlich großen Erfolg. Heutzutage ist das eine der bestverkauften Tabakmarken der Superslim-Kategorie. Diese Kategorie ist nicht […]
The Camel cigarettes brand is extremely popular in the entire world. Its initial developer and manufacturer was Reynolds. These cigarettes then became a hit brand, which successfully contributed to the company’s prosperity and market expansion. The Camel Brand was a real turn point in the tobacco consumption history. Their manufacturer started innovatively marketing the packaged […]
The mostly consumed cigarettes are those of the trademark Marlboro. The value of this cigarette brand excludes any kind of rivalry. This is a pattern of liberty and recklessnees for all people, regardless of their age. The flavor of this cigarette brand is quite different from everything you have ever tried. The cigarettes of Marlboro […]
Many consumers of Bond cigarettes see a clear connection of this cigarette brand with the legendary hero James Bond, the popular figure in the movie. Of course, these people are right, because this figure had the habit to smoke Bond cigarettes a lot during his trips and adventures. Bond cigarettes are peculiar for English roots, […]